- Enlarged haptic color LCD (5.7"") showing all factors at a glance
- Classic and lab-suitable design
- Intuitive and user-friendly view by YL chromatography data system
⊙ Verification
- High speed data process by network (LAN) communication
- Enhanced APCs for all modules
- Upgraded column oven
: Programming ramp/plateaus : 25/26
: Temperature Stability : ± 0.01 ℃
⊙ Value
- Saving user's valuable time with a high throughput autosampler
- Improved column conditioning function
: Automatic set of split flow up to 5 ml/min on column conditioning
- Sensitive leak detection (H2)
- Prevention of oven malfunction (Over heating)
- Automatic stop when an oven door gets opened during operation
⊙ Variety
- Maximum no.of inlet / detector installation : 3
- Various inlets available : Capillary(Split/Splitless) / Packed / On-column inlet
- Various detectors with high sensitivity available
1) Flame ionization detector (FID): MDL < 1.5 pg C/sec
2) Thermal conductivity detector (TCD): MDL < 2.5 ng /ml
3) Micro-thermal conductivity detector (µTCD): MDL < 400 pg/ml
4) Nitrogen phosphorus detector (NPD):MDL < 0.2 pg N/sec,
5) Flame photometric detector (FPD) : 1.0 pg S/sec, 0.2 pg P/sec
6) Electron capture detector (ECD) : MDL < 10 fg/sec
7) Pulsed discharge detector (PDD)
8) Pulsed flame photometric detector (PFPD)
9) Mass Spectrometer(MS)